Why Accessibility Is So Important in Graphic Design

Graphic Design and Web Design Bedford | Cosanostra Design Bedford

Accessibility is vital in all areas of life; it ensures that everyone is able to comfortably live regardless of their mental or physical health.

This is shown in many ways, from accessible housing solutions, accessible television shows by the use of closed captioning and audio description and accessible transport- all areas of life have accessibility options available for those with disabilities.

However, it is also important to consider accessibility and the needs of others in areas where you may not previously have thought it important, such as in graphic design.

This is vital in ensuring all people are able to access the media created, ensuring that both digital, print and web design are accessible and easy to consume, regardless of disability.

This encompasses all areas of graphic design, from colour choices, typefaces, web and other digital aspects such as animation and many other areas.

One of the most important accessibility features to consider in graphic design is colour choice. This is vital as it dictates how easily readable media is.

For example, white copy on a yellow background colour is very difficult to read, even for those without visual impairments. While many people would be able to read this, it may be difficult.

Therefore, if it is difficult for an able-bodied person to read, it is certainly incredibly difficult for someone with a visual impairment to read. Making inclusive and thoughtful choices in design helps to ensure that design is for everyone, not just some.

There are also certain rules and regulations within the design to help combat this exact issue- all important information must be clearly laid out, readable and in a colour which is easily identified and accessible to everyone to ensure the proper delivery of information.

Ensuring inclusivity within design helps to make the world a more accessible place. Making something look nice doesn’t mean it has to be inaccessible, it just requires more thoughtful and considered design choices.

Contact Cosanostra Design today for all your print and web design needs.


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